Internet Based Smart Home Automation Systems | Z Wave India
04/05/2020 | Ashwanth k
The smartest and most intelligent system is the demand of modern society which is directly interrelated to technology. The time and desi help of technology which makes life a bit easier and convenient. The convergence of technology with the environment and human beings may also play vital roles for the encouragement of the development of new systems that reliably changes the lifestyle of human beings and society. INTERNET-BASED SMART HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM The world is moving towards technology without which none can exist normally because everyone knowingly or unknowingly is a part of the technology that plays a role in daily life. This is the technology era so must be living with technology makes a bit of comfort in life.
The main objective of this project is to provide a convenient and easy way for busy and modern and handicapped /disabled people for controlling, monitoring and operating the various devices remotely in an efficient manner
Some of its objectives can be listed below:
1. Support for long-distance i.e. remote operational.
2.Reduction of physical Labor.
3. It can be operated with wireless remote and LAN (for Indoor operation) and Internet for outdoor operation.
4. Reduce the complexity of the traditional lifestyle.
5. To make the system easily configurable, on basis of needs of the user; activating and deactivating various sensors and modes.
6.Easy, comfortable, flexible, and efficient controlling and monitor system.
7.Low power consumption and long-life system.
8.Control low and high voltage devices.
9. Lower time consumption i.e. saves time efficiently. 10.Useful for handicapped and disabled persons.
Before starting project work, initial or preliminary research work is must accompany the relevant literature which is going on. During the initial research phase, we were looking at many research papers based on this project or related projects such that it can be modified to generate a new one. Modification and generation of new revolutionized systems is the nature of human beings.
Several research papers provided us ground ideas for the project to carry out a project entitled “INTERNET-BASED SMART HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM“. Although Various research papers show the use of different techniques. We had chosen such technology and a platform that could easily be manifest and manipulated as accordingly.
Not only that the recovery of various limitations of our 7th-semester project work Entitled “AN IR REMOTE CONTROLLED HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEM”